Friday, April 30, 2010

Adam Gadahn Charged with Treason

Adam Gadahn was arrested and charged with treason after creating 5 videos over a 2 year period. The videos contained content that went against the U.S. and aided al Qaeda. In a video Gadahn destroyed a U.S. passport and threatened the U.S. The F.B.I. has reported that Gadahn actually had connections with Osama Bin Laden and that he attended terrorist camps. The thing is, Gadahn was American-born. He was born in Oregon. He still awaits his court date.

This Article relates to Article 3, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. Gadahn was accused of admitting that he would destroy the United States in order to "Aid and Comfort" al Qaeda, which is our enemy.

If there was no such thing as treason, a lot of people would be destroying the United States and it is the country their were born in. People like Gadahn would be helping other countries that we aren't bonded with, fight us and attack us. I'm glad that treason is in the constitution and i;m glad it's taken as serious as it is.

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